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School Year

Monday, July 22
July 22, 2024

Hello Charis Families,

It's that time of year again to submit your orders for uniforms and all your Charis apparel! This has been simplified over the past couple of years by using an online ordering process. Items can be purchased by visiting the Charis store at the following link The store will be open until July 22nd. All orders placed by this date will be available for pick up at the Family Forum events August 13th - 15th You are not required to purchase any items through 2B Inked, but if you want anything branded with the Charis logo, this is the place to do it. Please note that your student's outerwear (anything worn over his/her polo) will need to be branded with the Charis logo. You can either purchase these items through our online store or by purchasing/receiving used items from other Charis families.

If your student(s) have registered for Physical Education this year (should be all Logic students and Monday Grammar students), they will receive a gray CCA t-shirt to be worn on P.E. days. Please select your sizes for this shirt by July 22nd by clicking on this link. If you do not select your child's size, we may have to guess!  

I have included a link to CCA's current uniform policy for your review.  You can find the basics listed below.